Wednesday, September 14, 2011

jacqueline kennedy

jacqueline kennedy
 In early 1964, opened to Jacqueline Kennedy M. Of Arthur, Jr., Schlesinger about life with John Kennedy, and only months after his assassination. In a series of seven interviews, and Ms. Kennedy, known for her style unique, and the manners, and poise, the "barb on the former presidents, heads of state, and aides to her husband, and strong women, told reporters women, even her mother in law," according to The New York Times. With the release today of Jacqueline Kennedy: Life in the historic talks with John Kennedy, we get to know the details about the private life of the iconic couple in surprisingly frank, Ms. Kennedy's opinion in the form of sharply written and audio. Follicular historian Michael Beschloss and annotated more than 8.5 hours, the interview, in addition to writing the book's introduction. Beschloss asked a few questions about the newly released recordings, which were closed for 47 years.

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