Wednesday, September 14, 2011

elizabeth warren

Elizabeth Warren entered the Senate race officially in the state of Massachusetts. She enters a crowded field of Democratic primary, which includes Newton Mayor and Setti Warren, the founder of the year Alan Khazei, to challenge Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who won a special election last year to fill the seat of the late Senator Kennedy.

In an email to his supporters, Warren said, "Washington gives some of the largest companies in the world gaps in the tax breaks, while the struggle of middle class families and small businesses. This is wrong. Our hard-working families deserve a person who believes in them, someone is going to stand and the struggle for their interests. That's why I'm running for the Senate in the United States. "

Made Warren, a professor of law at Harvard University, addresses earlier this year when he was tapped by President Obama to start it the financial consumer protection bureau, an agency that it championed after the financial meltdown on Wall Street. It came under the control of severe criticism from Republicans and Obama was appointed at the end of the day, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray for the presidency of the organization.

Warren, smart and tough, and many insiders in the Democratic Party I think it is the candidate best suited to raise the necessary funds to run against Brown. Visit her site to learn more.

Footnote: I write this blog post while I was sitting with my little daughter. I tell her Elizabeth Warren is working against Sen. Scott Brown, Massachusetts mention it did not send a woman in the Senate. "I want to be a member of the Senate in one day so I can set the rules," she says. I am proud of it. "Like every day is a day of chocolate," she finishes. Another reason we need more women in office. I love her.

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