Wednesday, August 31, 2011

model girl hair extensions

model girl hair extensions

This has been my obsession since my Junior High School homeroom teacher (who was Caucasian) had these awful weaves in her head that looked like bird nests. She said they sew it to her hair and I always wondered how because I can't even use a barrette without it slipping off. With America's Next Top Model, they are weaving these girls' heads like that Barbie® doll head toy.

model girl with a hollywood smile

model girl with a hollywood smile

 Many people would like a nice set of white teeth, although there are many that do have stained teeth. If your teeth are stained you lose confidence, this affects your social life and also affects your professional life as you will find it difficult to face your colleagues or superiors.

model girls in pakistan

model girls in pakistan

Famous Pakistani fashion model Ainne Ali Khan is modelling Summer Collection.Gul Ahmed Lawn, nice print n galey ka design

tattoos with words

tattoos with words  tattoos with words   tattoos with words

How can there be peace when the people who cause war still clamor for the perpetuation of our misery? The arrogance that lives in the government palaces and the houses of the lords of land and big business is still screaming for war and death for our race; they won’t tolerate the idea that indigenous blood is equal to white. We seek an entrance into the nation and they refuse us. Now they mock the march of our dead by flinging contemptuous coins at their feet…

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